Expanding Campus Engagement: A Study on the User Acceptance of a Virtual Reality-Enhanced Campus Tour in an Open University

  • Myra Collado Almodiel University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)
  • Anna Ma. Elizabeth F Cañas-Llamas University of the Philippines Open University, Philippines
  • Marinela S Hernandez University of the Philippines Open University
  • Anna Mhari C. Duria University of the Philippines Open University
  • Zyrene Edrei M. Villanueva University of the Philippines Open University
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Online learning, User acceptance, UPOU Virtual Campus Tour, User experience


The increasing popularity of immersive technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), is gaining recognition among online learning advocates and practitioners for its potential to enhance educational experiences. Online universities leverage VR-enhanced campus tours to broaden their reach and engage a wider audience. Recognizing the potential of VR, UP Open University (UPOU) has embarked on the learning innovation of developing the UPOU Virtual Campus Tour as part of the university’s contribution to the sustainable development goal for inclusive and equitable education and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all.

This study evaluates the experiences and user acceptance of UPOU staff and students who have experienced the UPOU VR campus tour. The outcomes of this study aim to provide valuable insights and enhance the understanding of users' experiences during an immersive virtual reality campus tour within an open university setting. Additionally, the findings seek to contribute to the growing body of knowledge by exploring the experiences of diverse user groups and incorporating objective measures, especially in the context of Asian environments, for future research endeavors.


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