Struggling Learners’ Mathematics Achievement Level using Quick Response Embedded Strategic Intervention Material
This study focused on the effect of a QR-embedded Strategic Intervention Material (QRSIM) on the achievement level of 11th Grade Students in General Mathematics via Solomon-four group research design, focusing on the least mastered competencies in solving exponential equations. A total of 120 students participated in the experiment at Dolores National High School during the school year 2019-2020. Findings revealed that; the students were unable to reach the expected level of achievement based on the pretest; the experimental and control groups with pretest performed better in the posttest assessment; no significant difference was observed between the pretest achievement level of the students; the pretest and posttest achievement levels of the experimental and control group shows a significant achievement; and that the achievement levels among the four groups significantly improved in the posttest. The findings of this study highlight the use of an innovative SIM based instruction and its counterpart in teaching frequently least mastered competencies in the subject, General Mathematics that paves the way in developing mathematical competencies among 11th grade learners. Furthermore, the researcher recommends that; assessing the learners’ level of achievement prior to instruction will aid teachers in developing instructional tools and approaches suited to their scholastic needs; Mathematics teachers should be geared with appropriate knowledge on the use of 21st century teaching and learning resources such as Strategic Intervention Material to help a student who finds mathematics concepts difficult to comprehend; and that a similar study be conducted to cover other least learned competencies in the Eastern Samar division to further probe and enrich the findings of this study.
Keywords: Least Mastered Competencies, Solomon Four Group Design, Achievement Level, Pretest, Posttest
Received Date: August 7, 2019
Revised Date: November 3, 2019
Accepted Date: November 22, 2019

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