Publication Ethics
The International Journal in Information Technology in Governance, Education and Business upholds the research ethical standard of honesty and integrity, intellectual property protection, respect of autonomy, and informed consent. IJITGEB aims to promote welfare and provide the benefits of the stakeholders to enable a meaningful and productive engagement in all forms of research activities, undertakings and collaborations.
To ensure the highest possible ethical standards of publication practice, the authors/contributors, reviewers and editors should adhere to the following guidelines:
For Authors:
- Any relevant conflict of interest such as funding sources and similar should be fully disclosed.
- Authors should present honest and clear results and must not fabricate, falsify, duplicate, manipulate and plagiarize data, results, or written output.
- Authors should exert and make great efforts to clearly and unambiguously state their methods so that their findings can be confirmed by others.
- Collective accountability is imposed on all authors for submitted and published work.
- The author’s individual contribution should truthfully reflect the work and writing.
- The manuscript submitted must be original and has been conducted in a responsible and ethical manner that complies with the relevant body of laws.
For Reviewers:
- Reviewers should strictly maintain the confidentiality of information throughout the review conduct and review process.
- Reviewers should provide prompt and timely feedback and updates to the Editors regarding the contributor’s manuscript.
- Reviewers must refrain from any possible or actual conflict of interest in relation to the manuscript and its contributor and must withdraw from the process.
- Reviewers should inform the Editors of possible plagiarism, fabrication and duplication of work in publications, including their own.
- Give timely, feedback to authors who do not personally criticize them and provides clear supportive statements to back up their review decisions.
- Alert the Editors when presented with a manuscript for which they do not have the expertise to review.
For Editors:
- Editors should take responsibility and accountability for all manuscripts they publish.
- Editors should make fair and unbiased decisions and provides maximum transparency and complete and honest reporting.
- Editors should issue corrections and retractions when needed.
- Editors should pursue suspected or alleged research and publication misconduct to protect the integrity of the journal.
- Editors should critically assess the ethical conduct of studies in animals and humans.
- Editors should clearly inform peer reviewers and authors what is expected of them.
- Editors should have appropriate policies in place for handling editorial conflicts of interest.