School Records and Forms of Selected Public School: Headway and Analysis of Online Management System
Technology has been very much used in academic instruction, especially during the pandemic. Over and above the delivery of teaching and learning, the integration of technology has a potential long-term impact on keeping students’ data necessary in preparing various standard school forms and student records. The goal of this study was to develop a school record and forms-online management system (SRF-OMaS) to assist in improving enrollment and data management procedures, particularly the generation of school forms on student registration, promotion, health profile, learners progress, permanent academic record, and other pertinent school reports. The iterative developmental approach, the ADDIE model, and descriptive-evaluative methods were employed. A total population sampling of fifty-six faculty members, three of whom were ICT teachers and IT practitioners, and four school administrators tested the software application. Data were gathered through an online evaluation survey instrument using Google Forms, utilizing the adapted Likert scale software evaluation instrument based on ISO/IEC 25010. With a mean score of 4.71 and a standard deviation of 0.50, the acceptability of SRF-OMaS has been rated in terms of its usefulness, dependability, ease of maintenance, and portability. This means that it is very acceptable. The product fully met and far exceeded the expectations of the selected participants. This illustrates that the application has been deemed to have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the online record management system. School forms and reports were generated with ease and promptness through ICT-facilitated procedures.
Keywords: student records, school forms, online management, ICT-enabled, ICT-facilitated
Received Date: February 5, 2022
Revised Date: August 16, 2022
Accepted Date: November 15, 2022

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