Education Students' Experiences, Learnings, and Views on the Production and Use of Metaverse-Based Educational Material for Teaching and Learning
Metaverse is a computing platform that makes it possible for people separated by time and space to connect/engage/interact with each other in real time. In 2023, metaverse-based learning was introduced to elearners in a teaching course offered to both undergraduate and teaching certification students. The final requirement for which was the production of an educational multimedia material (EMM) of students choosing. This study looked into the student's experiences, learnings, and views on producing and using metaverse-based educational material (MEM) for teaching and learning. A focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted after the school term had ended with those who volunteered to participate in the study. The recorded FGD was transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. Three key themes were identified: MEM's potential as a teaching and learning tool; the requirements for production -- human and non-human resource; and considerations for MEM users.
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