Exploring Engagement and Perceived Learning Outcomes in an Immersive Flipped Learning Context
The flipped classroom model has been widely acknowledged as a practical pedagogical approach to enhancing student engagement and learning. However, it faces challenges such as improving student interaction with learning content and peers, particularly in Japanese universities where digital technologies are not always fully utilized. To address these challenges and identify potential solutions, a case study was conducted in which an online flipped course on academic skills was developed and implemented in an immersive virtual environment. The primary objective during this initial phase was not to establish a causal relationship between the use of immersive flipped learning and students' engagement and perceived learning outcomes. Instead, this initiative aimed to explore the benefits and challenges of the immersive flipped learning approach in relation to students' online engagement and their perceived learning outcomes. Following a mixed-methods research approach, quantitative and qualitative data were collected through a survey (N=50) and students' reflective reports (N=80). The study revealed high levels of student engagement and perceived learning outcomes, although it also identified areas needing improvement, particularly in supporting student interactions in the target language. Despite the exploratory nature of this study, the findings suggest that a well-designed flipped learning approach, set in an engaging immersive environment, can significantly enhance student engagement, thereby supporting the learning process. When creating an immersive flipped learning course, educators should incorporate best practices from the literature on both flipped learning and immersive learning design to ensure optimal learning outcomes. The findings of this study can serve as a valuable resource for educators seeking to design engaging and effective remote learning experiences. Further research is needed to explore the scalability and sustainability of the immersive flipped learning approach and its impact on different student populations and in other delivery formats.
Received Date: May 4, 2024
Revised Date: August 17, 2024
Accepted Date: September 7, 2024
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