Iconicity in VR: Experiences of Language Learning with Commercial VR Apps
Abstract: Iconicity, the perceived relationship between form and meaning, is essential for language learning but remains underexplored in VR. While accurate form representation in VR apps is common in scale-specific fields like telemedicine, it is less prevalent in apps designed for language learning, leading to various graphical representations. This study employs iconicity as an analytical framework to examine how representations influence immersion and learning approaches. This mixed-method study integrates quantitative data from 61 online survey responses with qualitative data from nine semi-structured interviews to investigate the role of iconicity in VR language learning. The survey and interview questions were based on a novel assessment tool for measuring iconicity in dynamic virtual environments. Additional sections on immersion and language learning approaches were also included. Participant iconicity ratings of both language-learning-specific and non-specific apps show that varying degrees of iconicity, based on design, amplify or attenuate immersion and learning. The findings extend previous research on the importance of iconicity in VR and show the potential for enhancing immersive language learning experiences. The work serves as a foundation for future investigations into the role of iconicity and its impact across different apps and platforms.
Received Date: September 26, 2024
Revised Date: November 2, 2024
Accepted Date: December 10, 2024
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