Learning Algebra via self-study using Mixed Reality and the Microsoft HoloLens 2 Headset
This study explores the use of mixed reality (MR) glasses, specifically the HoloLens 2, for Algebra learning. Students initially took a paper-based algebra test, followed by group-specific interventions for addressing incorrect answers. The experimental group used HoloLens 2 with step- by-step equation-solving software, while the control groups utilized paper-based or conventional study tools. Post-intervention, all groups retook the test. Despite no clear distinctions in improvement between groups through statistical analysis, qualitative feedback and comparisons showed promising trends. While ANOVA and t-tests didn’t reveal significant differences, students with higher initial scores faced greater challenges in improvement. Despite starting with the highest mean scores, the experimental group demonstrated better improvement than the paper-based control group and simi lar improvement to the group with freely chosen tools. Conducting a future experiment with a larger sample set, focusing on students with identical initial scores, may unveil significant differences. In summary, the study suggests that the HoloLens 2 intervention, despite initial advantages, yielded com- parable improvements to conventional tools. Further investigations, especially with a refined experimental design, could provide deeper insights into the effectiveness of MR tools for Algebra learning.
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