Evaluating usability of an online resource site for LTEC online master’s program students
This project aimed to design and evaluate an online orientational resource site for online LTEC Master’s students to help navigate their academic journey. Resource content was determined by consulting LTEC faculty as subject matter expert, conjointly based on the designer’s experience and frequently asked questions by LTEC students. Improvements were made to the site with feedback and rapid prototyping from three iteration of usability testing involving current students and alumni. Qualitative and quantitative data from the pre and post questionnaires, usability tests, and post interview were analyzed to identify any usability issues. Based on Nielsen’s (1995) 5-level scale for rating the severity of usability problems, each problem was rated and fixed by prioritizing highest severity of the usability issue. Overall, the usability study suggested that the orientation resource site is user friendly, easy to navigate, and will be a welcomed addition to existing support provided by the department.
Keywords: Online Resource Site, Usability Study, Online Postgraduate Program
Received Date: August 13, 2019
Revised Date: October 28, 2019
Accepted Date: November 13, 2019

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